Favored Gates Christian Ministries
Favored Gates Christian Ministries
Building a Sacred Community
Schedule of Services
Join Our Community

Sunday Service
Our Super Sunday Service is designed to uplift, renew and encourage church members. It's a service filled with spiritual nourishment from God's word. The Holy Spirit is allowed to move in our midst bringing a fresh perspective to life and living. The service begins at 12pm and ends 2pm Eastern Time every Sunday of the months of the year
Midweek Prayer
Our Mid-Week meetings are geared towards prayers and intercessions. In Favored Gates we have come to understand that prayer gives you an edge over life struggles. Prayers help to season our spirit man as a dependable receptacle for God's Spirit and power. Making us connect to God's ideas, visions and leadings more easily in order to change our lives and the world.
Our prayer time every Wednesday is 7pm to 8pm Eastern Time. It takes place at our church premises and can be joined on Zoom too
Every last Friday of the month is also observed as our Midnight prayer time. It starts at 11:30pm and ends at 1:30 pm all Eastern Time

“This church is the pillar and stable foundation of truth, because in it soundeth the voice of the Son of God”
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Favoredgates Ministeries